20 May

From the last 10 years, online earning trend is increasing and people are now looking for different ways to earn online. If you are employed and have a free time or you are completely free then you can start online work. 

My suggestion to everyone is that initially you should start online jobs as a part time and once you understand this whole process and start earning some decent income then you can take this work fulltime. 

Now let's look at some of different earning methods that you may employ and earn money in 2021.

If you don't have time and are interested in learning how to start your journey as an affiliate marketer then do visit Legendary Marketer. It is the best place to start for everyone. 

1). Blogging

This is the best and the most recommended method you can use and earn money. All you need is to set up a good blog. To set up a good blog you first need to buy domain and hosting for your site. 

Build quality content for your site regularly and promote your blog using search engine optimization (SEO). Once you have good amount of traffic then there are +100’s ways to earn money. 

Most common methods are Google AdSense and Affiliate Marketing. Google earns more than 90% revenue from advertisement. Bloggers get share from this revenue if they publish Google ads on their blogs.

2). Affiliate Marketing

Second common method you can use is affiliate marketing. This is similar to first method. You need to build your site then you can use different affiliate programs to promote their products and you can earn 4% to 75% commission. 

Most common platform you can use are Amazon, commission junction, Click bank. For example if the cost of the product is 200$ and vendor is offering 30% commission then you will get 60$ commission for every sale you made on behalf of the vendor. Earning potential of affiliate marketing is much more than Google AdSense.

If you know each and everything about affiliate marketing and wanted to build successful business online then I recommend you to join Legendary Marketer. 

Legendary Marketer 3.0 Short Review

Legendary marketer is a digital marketing academy where you learn all kind of marketing stuff and after this you can sell anything online. 

The primary focus is on affiliate marketing and I recommend this system heavily to everyone who are in a mood to start affiliate marketing. If you want to read honest legendary marketer review, then I suggest you to visit Online Earning Mentor review.

Visit Official Legendary Marketer site here. 

3). Fiverr

Fiverr is getting popular all around the world. The best part of Fiverr is you can join Fiverr for free and sell your skills. As the name indicates everything you buy or sell on Fiverr is for five dollars. 

But with the passage of time if your rank increase you can sell your services more than $5 called extra in Fiverr . Fiverr deducts 20% charges and rest $4 are yours.

Most popular services in Fiverr are SEO, article writing, logo designing and video editing etc. In Fiverr gig term is regularly used, it means your service. For example you can write “I will write 500 words unique article for you.” This is called gig.

4). Freelancing sites

The most popular site among this category is UpWork. It is similar to Fiverr but you can earn much more than Fiverr . People living in United States, UK, and Canada are looking for cheap labor from countries like Philippines, Pakistan, India, Srilanka and Bangladesh to get their job done.

Buyer post a job on these site and people like us bid for job. Then buyer select the bidder based on suitable criteria e.g., skills, experience, payment, time etc.

5). Article writing

As you know people are creating websites day by day and this require articles for their website. 

It is difficult for one person to manage more than 3 sites then website owners outsource their tasks and hire people to write articles daily for a monthly fee. 

If you have good article writing skills then you can also earn in Fiverr by writing articles.

6). YouTube

YouTube is the biggest platform of videos sharing. People are sharing funny videos, informative videos and other videos for fun. But you can earn from your videos. Create videos regularly and upload on YouTube then you can join YouTube AdSense partner program. 

YouTube usually pay $1-$50 for 1000 views. This rate is more if your traffic coming from USA, Canada, and UK. If your videos goes viral then you can’t imagine how much you can earn.

You have seen video on YouTube that have millions of views. If you create a video and luckily your video receive 10,000,000 views then your earning will be about $10,000 to $50,000. 

You success will depend on how much regularly you upload videos and what type of videos you are uploading. Funny videos usually have more chances of success.

7). Sell Websites and Domains

You can earn a descent amount of money by flipping your site. There are many marketplace where you can sell your website but most popular are Empire Flippers and Flippa. 

First you need to build good website and if you start earning from your site then you can easily sell your site on Empire Flippers and Flippa. If you are earning 50$/month from your site then you can easily sell for 800$ or 1500$ or even $2500.

Similarly you can buy keyword rich domains and sell your domain on Sedo and Empire Flippers and Flippa. You can buy domain for 10$ and then you can sell it for $50 or even hundreds of dollars.

8). PTC Sites

PTC stands for pay to click. People are earning from PTC sites but it is very difficult to earn good amount of money. 

Only you can earn good if you can make direct referrals. Otherwise it is not possible to earn even $1 a month. 

99.9% of the PTC sites are scam. Still there are very few sites that are paying from more than 5 years. Most famous PTC sites are Donkeymail, Neobux and Clixsense.

9). Link Shortening

There are many sites that are offering link shortening service. You can short any website link and share with your friends in social media or promote through your own website and if if someone click on that link and view ad then you can earn money. 

It is also difficult way to earn but if you have good social contact then you can earn good.

Most famous site in this category is Adfly. This site pays about $1 for 1000 views. But it largely depends on quality of traffic.

Final Verdict:

In short, you can use any of the above mentioned method online but my favorite method is affiliate marketing.

If you are also interested in this, legendary marketing is a good place to start. You can read legendary marketer review at above mentioned link. 

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